Category Archives: My First Post

The Beauty of The Hours

“Time is a smooth white seashell…hold it close and listen to the beauty of the hours.” — Anonymous

I learned the power of a moment on February 24,1990.

It was on that day that  my best friend died.

Her name was Tracy and we were like sisters…best friends since we were five years old.  I had been the maid of honor in her wedding  just seven short months before.  That evening, she had been chatting on the phone with a friend when her voice suddenly fell silent.  She had died instantly, the result of a previously undiagnosed heart condition.

One moment, she was a young, happy newlywed, filled with hope for the future.  And the next moment, her life on earth ended and she entered eternity.

My life was never the same after that day.

I had been raised in Peters Creek Baptist Church in the small town of Library, PA.  All my life, I had heard the wondrous truth of a Savior named Jesus…God in human flesh…who loved me enough to come to this earth and pay a debt that I could never pay.  I accepted Him as my Savior when I was 13 years old and walked with Him throughout my school years.

However, as I neared the end of college and  later entered the workforce, I began to drift away…ever so slowly and subtly.  The enticements of the world beckoned and I began to flirt with danger.  I stopped going to church and my Bible collected dust on the shelf .  I became someone I didn’t even recognize and found myself in places I never thought I would be.  I convinced myself that I was having the time of my life, that I was “free.”  Yet, late at night when all was still and quiet, an emptiness gnawed at my soul and I knew Jesus was whispering for me to come home.

I got very good at tuning out His still, small voice…until February 24, 1990.

That night, He used a megaphone.

As I literally lay on the floor, sobbing  not only over the loss of my best friend, but of what had become of my life, His Spirit spoke clearly to mine and He said, “You are NOT promised tomorrow. What are you doing with the one life I have given you? Return to Me.”

And so I did.  In deep repentance, I returned to His open arms and unconditional love…to the God who gives beauty for ashes.  Peace flooded my soul and I have never looked back.  From that moment on, my view of life was forever altered and I began to treasure my moments.

That is why I started this blog.  Time flies by in a blur and it’s easy to forget the beauty of the moments.  This little corner of the blogosphere will be a place for me to record the various moments that make up a life:  some funny, some sad, and everything in between.

The Chris Rice song  The Power of a Moment was the inspiration for this blog.

So…welcome.  Life is a beautiful gift.  I will look forward to sharing the beauty of the hours with you. 🙂




Filed under My First Post