You Are Here. Make The Most Of It.

I experienced a scary episode last Thursday.

During the early afternoon, I started to feel lightheaded and slightly dizzy. The feeling persisted so I decided to lie down for awhile. Later, I made dinner and went to Bible study but by the time I got home, I really felt “off.”

As I got ready for bed, I happened to glance at my pill box on the bathroom counter. There, inside the “Thursday” box were my blood pressure pills.  (I was diagnosed with high blood pressure in January 2012 and wrote about that unnerving episode here). I had forgotten to take them that morning…and now I was feeling the frightening effects.

A memory immediately came to my mind of a time when my dad went to a new doctor.This doctor did not think the high blood pressure medication my dad was on was the correct one and prescribed a new one. He told my dad to stop taking that one for a few days until it was out of his system, then begin the new medication. My dad listened to this doctor and we were all horrified to learn later (when my dad got a new doctor)  that doing such a thing can kill you!

“Never stop your blood pressure medication cold turkey!” He told my dad in a stern tone. “Never.”


I immediately took the pills and went to bed. It took me a long time to get to sleep. Not only was my body acting slightly haywire, I could not turn my mind off.

Most days, it is easy to forget that there is anything at all wrong with me. I look fine. I feel fine. I have plenty of energy and can go anywhere I want to. Life goes on as it always has and I feel healthy.

It’s easy for me to forget that I have a very serious condition that can be life-threatening.

Once again (will I ever truly learn?) I realize how much I take my one precious life for granted. I always assume that tomorrow will come for me. But I am given no such promise.

What if today had been my last day? I asked myself. Would I have said the things I needed to say? Done the things I needed to do? Used my time wisely? Would I have loved well? Would I have paid attention?

Would I have lived the life out of that day?

The next morning, I opened my eyes and  the first thing I saw was my camera.

The idea came to me of documenting my day. I wasn’t planning on doing anything special that day, but that wasn’t the point.

Sometimes ordinary can be beautiful in all its wondrous simplicity.

I carried my camera everywhere with me that day and noticed everything. Each time I clicked the shutter, I whispered a prayer of thanks to my very good God who had gifted me with another day to live with Him and my loved ones in this lovely place I call home.

I paid attention. I marveled. I smiled…a lot. I laughed. My heart sang and joy filled my soul.

At the end of the day, when I loaded the images into my computer, I realized that the photographs I had captured were most likely not the same ones anyone else would have taken, even if they had walked through the day with me.

Because we are all unique.

I am the only one who sees the world through my eyes.

No one like me has ever walked the face of this earth and no one like me will ever be again.

The same is true of you. Take a moment to think about that for a minute.

We are all fearfully and wonderfully made. Each of us was created in the mind of God, the magnificent Artist. You…and me…are His masterpiece! From the color of your eyes and hair to your height and talents and passions, there will never be another you!

You are not one of the faceless billions walking this planet. You are known to Him.

By His design, you are alive on planet earth at this time in history.

Make your mark. Let your voice be heard. Share your dreams. Live your passion. No excuses. No regrets.

Do not let the music that is in you remain un-played and unheard.

Today is the day and the time is now.

Let the world around you know that you are here.


Here are the glimpses of my day...

I loved the way the sunlight made my mom’s crystal bowl glitter.

All States 2013-0001-1-2These two jolly snowmen now reside on the windowsill of our sunroom…a whimsical preview of the holiday season to come.

All States 2013-0005-1I had a few minutes to read one of the most amazing books I have read in a long time. The characters are so richly drawn that I thought about them even when I was away from the book.  Reading it was like riding a rollercoaster in the dark. Just when I thought the writer was taking the plot in a certain direction, there would be a breathtaking drop,followed by an unexpected turn that evoked both laughter and tears. I loved it.

(I finished the book a few days later and  I still miss the characters. I will think about them for a long time to come).

All States 2013-0006-1This was my view from the sun room while I read. Joy lives here. 🙂

All States 2013-0007-1I listened to Jesus’ voice as I spent time in His Word: Hebrews 11, the Faith Hall of Fame. One of the most powerful Bible studies I have ever done is Beth Moore’s Believing God. There are only 40 verses in Hebrews 11. I will never forget Beth saying that our lives can be Hebrews 11: 41: “By faith, Susan….” Insert your name there. What does your faith say about you today? When all is said and and done, what legacy of faith are you leaving for future generations?

All States 2013-0010-1My amazing (and Coke-loving) husband planning our date for the day. 🙂
All States 2013-0012-1Catching my mom on her way out the door.

All States 2013-0014-1All this green will soon be covered in white.

All States 2013-0017-1Our dog Buddy is the most neurotic, silly, and entitled pooch ever. And I love him dearly.
All States 2013-0023-1
The mail brought a thank you note from a dear friend. Getting snail mail in this age of electronic communication is a special joy. I especially loved her closing reminder.

All States 2013-0026-1

On this day, at that time, my love and I headed out to enjoy the day together.
All States 2013-0029-1One of the things I loved most about living in our area is that one turn around a bend can boast the most amazing views of the mountains and the lakes.  I am surrounded by the beauty of His creation.

All States 2013-0031-1As we drove by,  I snapped a quick picture of this house that has always fascinated me since we moved here. Two completely separate homes connected by an enclosed hallway. Is the building on the right the most fabulous of in-law quarters?  Was it built for an adult child of the owners and his or her family? A War-of-the-Roses marriage relationship that required two separate living spaces? Questions abound! I am desperate to see the inside! 
All States 2013-0034-1

My husband and I went to see a matinee. I thought back to our first date twenty-three years ago. We went to a picnic and I was thrilled when Doug asked if I wanted to catch a movie that night. He mentioned that he wanted to see “The Hunt For Red October.” I had seen it the week before (not my kind of movie, had no desire to see it again) but I responded with much enthusiasm, “I would love to!”

We sat in that theater and held hands for the first time. I could have cared less what was playing on the screen. I was just happy to be with him.

I still feel the same way.

All States 2013-0038-1I love movie theater popcorn in all its salty goodness. Yum.

All States 2013-0037-1Speaking of yum, after the movie, we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner. The lighting was awful but I was able to get a shot of the sizzling fajitas. I could eat Mexican food every day.

All States 2013-0040-1The full moon was beginning to rise high in the sky as we headed home.
All States 2013-0043-1We were blessed to see one final glimpse of beautiful light before night fell on another day.

All States 2013-0048-1-2My name is Susan.

And I was here.

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One response to “You Are Here. Make The Most Of It.

  1. Su

    Thank God you’re OK now, Susan!

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